Forgot My Keys

A series of album artworks for Joey Pecoraro, an American musician and record producer from Detroit, Michigan. Forgot My Keys, was another lo-fi hip hop album from Joey that was released in 2020 along with four pieces of practical, handcrafted 3D illustration that supported the unique feel of the musical style.


Joey Pecoraro approached us in the middle of writing and producing the album, ‘Forgot My Keys’ with a clear sense of how the visuals for his album artwork should feel. The album featured a mixture of electronic and real instrumentation, with some vintage recordings and samples, which were all combined in Joey's unique style to create a very nostalgic feeling to the tracks. Creating the artwork using handcrafted illustration was key, enabling the lo-fi sound of Joey's music to be reflected in the practical album artwork.

Handcrafted Practical Puppet Illustration: Joey Pecoraro Forgot My Keys Album Cover
Handcrafted Practical Puppet Artwork: Joey Pecoraro on the grass
Handcrafted Practical Album Illustration: Joey Pecoraro with owl
Handcrafted Practical Puppet Artwork: Joey Pecoraro and UFO


The design stages of the project were the most crucial in getting the correct look for the album artwork. The central character featured in all the illustrations was heavily based on Joey himself, so there were many character design iterations before we arrived at something that was nicely stylised but captured the likeness of Joey. The process for the design and fabrication of the album artwork was the same approach we use for creating stop motion animation. However, as stills photography was the end product, we could create simple, partial models and use perspective tricks to achieve the full scenes in camera.


The album was released by Alpha Pup Records across the major digital music platforms with the last artwork in the series used as the EP cover. The series artworks worked together to hint at an interconnected narrative, which echoed the dreamlike flow of the music.

In our digital world, practical illustration creates a distinctive, tactile look that can make artwork stand out. The flexibility in the practical elements, in combination with the photographic process, gives a variety of tools for visual problem-solving that goes beyond what exclusively digital methods can provide.

Joey Pacoraro Puppet for Forgot My Keys Album Artwork


Music Artist: Joey Pecoraro
Distribution: Alpha Pup Records
Designs & Models: Aiden Whittam